Stroll as we are
For "Stroll as we are" we've asked our Joolz colleagues what it’s really like to be a parent, and now share these stories and experiences with you.
For "Stroll as we are" we've asked our Joolz colleagues what it’s really like to be a parent, and now share these stories and experiences with you.
"The Joolz Geo² was an easy choice for us: it is the most all terrain Joolz pushchair and super comfortable on long walks."
“Being a working mum in New York was a huge culture shock, but I love the challenge and I wouldn’t change a thing.”
"A life with two little ones is fantastically hectic,” Floor says laughing. How does she manage to get a happy work-life balance?
In April 2019, twelve years after the foundation of Joolz, he suddenly is in the user’s shoes: "which pushchair is right for me?"
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